Product information

  • Category: Nature, Honey
  • Taste: Sweet and Sour, Flavorful
  • Stock: 22 Bottle (600 gram)
  • Status: Not Available
  • Price: -
  • Buy now: Click Here!

About Lantung Honey

This honey comes from the Lantung area of the island of Sumbawa which is harvested in the forest by the Lantung indigenous people. Lantung is located in the southern region of the island of Sumbawa, this area consists of a hilly area with an altitude of 595 meters above sea level.

Most of the Lantung area consists of wilderness which makes this area one of the honey-producing areas in Sumbawa. The diversity of the Lantung forest plant vegetation makes this Lantung forest honey rich in benefits.

To get this forest honey, indigenous people hunt on foot, provide forests and valleys and even spend the night in the forest because the nest location is still natural and nomadic.

Forest honey with the squeeze process tends to be foamy and contains gas, this is caused by the reaction of the Diastase Enzyme originating from the body.

100% raw forest honey without heating and other processes, so that the natural content of honey is still well preserved.

Lantung Honey Tracing Product